About the North Georgia Daylily Society:
The North Georgia Daylily Society is a diverse group of people from all over North Georgia and the surrounding area who are together as a group because of a common denominator... the Hemerocallis or daylily. The club was started in 1990 with a group of approximately 35 charter members. Membership has more than doubled since then, with about half of the members being actively involved in various events and meeting attendance.
Location of meetings are currently being held in the Fellowship Hall at the First Presbyterian Church in Winder, 239 West Candler Street, Winder, GA 30680 Fellowship Hall Entrance is at the far right of the building... not under the canopy. Meetings are normally held on the first Sundays of each month. Meeting programs may include speakers such as daylily hybridizers from around the state and country, presentations on daylilies, companion plants, and other gardening themes, Daylily Bingo with many great prizes, and more.
The club participates each April in the Hall County Master Gardeners Spring Expo plant sales, selling daylilies and other plants that are donated and prepared by club members. The annual daylily show is held early to mid-June in the Fellowship Hall at the First Presbyterian Church in Winder. Hundreds of cultivars compete for the chance to go to the head table and win beautiful awards, with top honors going to Best In Show. In December, members enjoy a holiday covered dish meal and club hybridizers slide show.
The club utilizes a Membership Awards Program (MAP). Members earn MAP points by attending meetings, local club functions and regional and national events, working at club sales, donating plants for sales, chairing a committee, serving on the executive committee, hosting a picnic, and by other means. Points are equal to dollars and may be used to purchase plants at auctions, etc.
Visitors are always welcome at any of our meetings or club functions!